Photo of an open book with pages folded in the shape of a heart.

About US


The Friends of Southwest Public Libraries started when a group of enthusiastic volunteers organized a book sale in 1973 to help fund the purchase of much needed equipment and supplies for their beloved Southwest Public Libraries. The first sale contained old books from the library’s collection that were going to be discarded, as well as books donated from the organizers’ personal collections.

After that first book sale, the group of volunteers discovered that they could serve the library in other ways. They began to provide refreshments, supplies, and awards for library programs, such as the children’s story hours and summer reading club. Membership and commitment grew. Then, in 1980, a formal constitution and bylaws for the Friends of Southwest Public Libraries was approved, with Harold Morland serving as the first Friends of SPL Board president. In order to facilitate communication between the libraries and the Friends Board, library staff member Judith Thornton was appointed library liaison.

The formal constitution and bylaws established the Friends of SPL as a non-profit association of persons interested in books and libraries with a commitment to focus public attention on library services, facilities and needs. The group aims to stimulate the use of library resources and services; support and cooperate with the greater southwest community; and receive and encourage monetary gifts, gifts-in-kind, endowments, and other bequests given to the libraries. The Friends of SPL firmly supports the freedom to read as expressed in the American Library Association Bill of Rights.

Over the years, members of the Friends of SPL have assisted with library building dedications and open houses, sponsored photography shows, passed out candy at parades, sold lemonade and popcorn at community events, and even sold books at garage sales and flea markets (donating the proceeds to SPL).

Become a Friend


Lifetime member of the Friends of Southwest Public Libraries, Laurine “Laura” Harper, wife of John T. Harper, for whom the scholarship is named.


The John T. Harper Memorial Scholarship is an annual cash award of up to $500 per person (limit two per year) to any full- or part-time Southwest Public Libraries staff member who has been employed by SPL for a minimum of one year and who is currently enrolled in (or accepted to) a library sciences program or information technology program at an accredited college or university. Funds are dispersed upon receipt of proof of tuition payment.

Eligible candidates must submit a completed application form and two letters of recommendation by October 31. One of the two letters of recommendation should be from another SPL staff member. Contact SPL Human Resources for more information.

Photo of page from dictionary with definition for thanks.



The Friends of Southwest Public Libraries value the hundreds of dedicated staff members who work tirelessly to make our libraries great. To honor staff members who retire after 10 years of service, Friends of SPL will donate a book to the library with which they were associated (or to the SPL of their choice). If the retiree worked at both branches, Friends will donate one book to each library. A bookplate is placed in the book to acknowledge the honoree and the donor.

In cooperation with SPL’s Human Resources Manager, the Friends will assist with library-wide retirement celebrations when requested.


Photo of arms raised holding open books.


Rosemary Barkes
Linda Beal
Raymond & Karen Bentley
Frances Black
Dave & Kathy Bright
Carolyn Brown
Donna Carter
Richard & Peggy Cordray
Victor Daines
Michael Esposito
Steve & Debra Fultz
Dave & Martha Gamble
Sue Hamilton
Christine Hank
Laurine Harper
Jo Helsel
Christine Jenkins
Bethanne Johnson
Kim Keller
Prisilla Kilman
Averil Mackenzie
Sharon McCloy-Reichard
Virginia & Ron Milliken
Amy Mills
Helen Randell
B.J. & Jody Roach
Carol & James Rorick
Susan Roy
Carolyn Sandy
Aaron Thomas
John & Marianne Thompson
Judy Thornton
Meredith Wickham